/* Minetest-c55 Copyright (C) 2010 celeron55, Perttu Ahola This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ /* (c) 2010 Perttu Ahola */ #ifndef INVENTORY_HEADER #define INVENTORY_HEADER #include #include #include #include "common_irrlicht.h" #include "debug.h" #include "mapblockobject.h" // For g_materials #include "main.h" #define QUANTITY_ITEM_MAX_COUNT 99 class InventoryItem { public: InventoryItem(u16 count); virtual ~InventoryItem(); static InventoryItem* deSerialize(std::istream &is); virtual const char* getName() const = 0; // Shall write the name and the parameters virtual void serialize(std::ostream &os) = 0; // Shall make an exact clone of the item virtual InventoryItem* clone() = 0; #ifndef SERVER // Shall return an image to show in the GUI (or NULL) virtual video::ITexture * getImage() { return NULL; } #endif // Shall return a text to show in the GUI virtual std::string getText() { return ""; } // Shall return true if the item can be add()ed to the other virtual bool addableTo(InventoryItem *other) { return false; } /* Quantity methods */ u16 getCount() { return m_count; } void setCount(u16 count) { m_count = count; } virtual u16 freeSpace() { return 0; } void add(u16 count) { assert(m_count + count <= QUANTITY_ITEM_MAX_COUNT); m_count += count; } void remove(u16 count) { assert(m_count >= count); m_count -= count; } protected: u16 m_count; }; class MaterialItem : public InventoryItem { public: MaterialItem(u8 content, u16 count): InventoryItem(count) { m_content = content; } /* Implementation interface */ virtual const char* getName() const { return "MaterialItem"; } virtual void serialize(std::ostream &os) { //os.imbue(std::locale("C")); os<getName()) != "MaterialItem") return false; MaterialItem *m = (MaterialItem*)other; if(m->getMaterial() != m_content) return false; return true; } u16 freeSpace() { if(m_count > QUANTITY_ITEM_MAX_COUNT) return 0; return QUANTITY_ITEM_MAX_COUNT - m_count; } /* Special methods */ u8 getMaterial() { return m_content; } private: u8 m_content; }; class MapBlockObjectItem : public InventoryItem { public: MapBlockObjectItem(std::string inventorystring): InventoryItem(1) { m_inventorystring = inventorystring; } /* Implementation interface */ virtual const char* getName() const { return "MBOItem"; } virtual void serialize(std::ostream &os) { for(;;) { size_t t = m_inventorystring.find('|'); if(t == std::string::npos) break; m_inventorystring[t] = '?'; } os<getTexture(name); return g_texturesource->getTextureRaw(name); } #endif std::string getText() { std::ostringstream os; os<getName()) != "CraftItem") return false; CraftItem *m = (CraftItem*)other; if(m->m_subname != m_subname) return false; return true; } u16 freeSpace() { if(m_count > QUANTITY_ITEM_MAX_COUNT) return 0; return QUANTITY_ITEM_MAX_COUNT - m_count; } /* Special methods */ std::string getSubName() { return m_subname; } private: std::string m_subname; }; class ToolItem : public InventoryItem { public: ToolItem(std::string toolname, u16 wear): InventoryItem(1) { m_toolname = toolname; m_wear = wear; } /* Implementation interface */ virtual const char* getName() const { return "ToolItem"; } virtual void serialize(std::ostream &os) { os<getTextureRaw(os.str()); /*TextureSpec spec; spec.addTid(g_irrlicht->getTextureId(basename)); spec.addTid(g_irrlicht->getTextureId(os.str())); return g_irrlicht->getTexture(spec);*/ } #endif std::string getText() { return ""; /*std::ostringstream os; u16 f = 4; u16 d = 65535/f; u16 i; for(i=0; i<(65535-m_wear)/d; i++) os<<'X'; for(; i= 65535 - add) { m_wear = 65535; return true; } else { m_wear += add; return false; } } private: std::string m_toolname; u16 m_wear; }; class InventoryList { public: InventoryList(std::string name, u32 size); ~InventoryList(); void clearItems(); void serialize(std::ostream &os); void deSerialize(std::istream &is); InventoryList(const InventoryList &other); InventoryList & operator = (const InventoryList &other); std::string getName(); u32 getSize(); // Count used slots u32 getUsedSlots(); // Get pointer to item InventoryItem * getItem(u32 i); // Returns old item (or NULL). Parameter can be NULL. InventoryItem * changeItem(u32 i, InventoryItem *newitem); // Delete item void deleteItem(u32 i); // Adds an item to a suitable place. Returns leftover item. // If all went into the list, returns NULL. InventoryItem * addItem(InventoryItem *newitem); // If possible, adds item to given slot. // If cannot be added at all, returns the item back. // If can be added partly, decremented item is returned back. // If can be added fully, NULL is returned. InventoryItem * addItem(u32 i, InventoryItem *newitem); // Checks whether the item could be added to the given slot bool itemFits(u32 i, InventoryItem *newitem); // Takes some items from a slot. // If there are not enough, takes as many as it can. // Returns NULL if couldn't take any. InventoryItem * takeItem(u32 i, u32 count); // Decrements amount of every material item void decrementMaterials(u16 count); void print(std::ostream &o); private: core::array m_items; u32 m_size; std::string m_name; }; class Inventory { public: ~Inventory(); void clear(); Inventory(); Inventory(const Inventory &other); Inventory & operator = (const Inventory &other); void serialize(std::ostream &os); void deSerialize(std::istream &is); InventoryList * addList(const std::string &name, u32 size); InventoryList * getList(const std::string &name); bool deleteList(const std::string &name); // A shorthand for adding items. // Returns NULL if the item was fully added, leftover otherwise. InventoryItem * addItem(const std::string &listname, InventoryItem *newitem) { InventoryList *list = getList(listname); if(list == NULL) return newitem; return list->addItem(newitem); } private: // -1 if not found s32 getListIndex(const std::string &name); core::array m_lists; }; class Player; struct InventoryContext { Player *current_player; InventoryContext(): current_player(NULL) {} }; class InventoryAction; class InventoryManager { public: InventoryManager(){} virtual ~InventoryManager(){} /* Get a pointer to an inventory specified by id. id can be: - "current_player" - "nodemeta:X,Y,Z" */ virtual Inventory* getInventory(InventoryContext *c, std::string id) {return NULL;} // Used on the server by InventoryAction::apply and other stuff virtual void inventoryModified(InventoryContext *c, std::string id) {} // Used on the client virtual void inventoryAction(InventoryAction *a) {} }; #define IACTION_MOVE 0 struct InventoryAction { static InventoryAction * deSerialize(std::istream &is); virtual u16 getType() const = 0; virtual void serialize(std::ostream &os) = 0; virtual void apply(InventoryContext *c, InventoryManager *mgr) = 0; }; struct IMoveAction : public InventoryAction { // count=0 means "everything" u16 count; std::string from_inv; std::string from_list; s16 from_i; std::string to_inv; std::string to_list; s16 to_i; IMoveAction() { count = 0; from_i = -1; to_i = -1; } IMoveAction(std::istream &is) { std::string ts; std::getline(is, ts, ' '); count = stoi(ts); std::getline(is, from_inv, ' '); std::getline(is, from_list, ' '); std::getline(is, ts, ' '); from_i = stoi(ts); std::getline(is, to_inv, ' '); std::getline(is, to_list, ' '); std::getline(is, ts, ' '); to_i = stoi(ts); } u16 getType() const { return IACTION_MOVE; } void serialize(std::ostream &os) { os<<"Move "; os<