#!/bin/bash -e . util/travis/common.sh needs_compile || exit 0 function perform_lint() { echo "Performing LINT..." CLANG_FORMAT=clang-format-3.9 if [ "$TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE" = "pull_request" ]; then # Get list of every file modified in this pull request files_to_lint="$(git diff --name-only --diff-filter=ACMRTUXB $TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE | grep '^src/[^.]*[.]\(cpp\|h\)$' | egrep -v '^src/(gmp|lua|jsoncpp)/' || true)" else # Check everything for branch pushes files_to_lint="$(find src/ -name '*.cpp' -or -name '*.h' | egrep -v '^src/(gmp|lua|jsoncpp)/')" fi local errorcount=0 local fail=0 for f in ${files_to_lint}; do d=$(diff -u "$f" <(${CLANG_FORMAT} "$f") || true) if ! [ -z "$d" ]; then errorcount=$((errorcount+1)) printf "The file %s is not compliant with the coding style" "$f" if [ ${errorcount} -gt 50 ]; then printf "\nToo many errors encountered previously, this diff is hidden.\n" else printf ":\n%s\n" "$d" fi # Disable build failure at this moment as we need to have a complete MT source whitelist to check fail=0 fi done if [ "$fail" = 1 ]; then echo "LINT reports failure." exit 1 fi } if [[ "$LINT" == "1" ]]; then # Lint with exit CI perform_lint exit 0 fi if [[ $PLATFORM == "Unix" ]]; then mkdir -p travisbuild cd travisbuild || exit 1 CMAKE_FLAGS='' if [[ $COMPILER == "g++-6" ]]; then export CC=gcc-6 export CXX=g++-6 fi # Clang builds with FreeType fail on Travis if [[ $CC == "clang" ]]; then CMAKE_FLAGS+=' -DENABLE_FREETYPE=FALSE' fi if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == "osx" ]]; then CMAKE_FLAGS+=' -DCUSTOM_GETTEXT_PATH=/usr/local/opt/gettext' fi cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug \ -DRUN_IN_PLACE=TRUE \ -DENABLE_GETTEXT=TRUE \ -DBUILD_SERVER=TRUE \ $CMAKE_FLAGS .. make -j2 echo "Running unit tests." CMD="../bin/minetest --run-unittests" if [[ "$VALGRIND" == "1" ]]; then valgrind --leak-check=full --leak-check-heuristics=all --undef-value-errors=no --error-exitcode=9 ${CMD} && exit 0 else ${CMD} && exit 0 fi elif [[ $PLATFORM == Win* ]]; then [[ $CC == "clang" ]] && exit 1 # Not supposed to happen # We need to have our build directory outside of the minetest directory because # CMake will otherwise get very very confused with symlinks and complain that # something is not a subdirectory of something even if it actually is. # e.g.: # /home/travis/minetest/minetest/travisbuild/minetest # \/ \/ \/ # /home/travis/minetest/minetest/travisbuild/minetest/travisbuild/minetest # \/ \/ \/ # /home/travis/minetest/minetest/travisbuild/minetest/travisbuild/minetest/travisbuild/minetest # You get the idea. OLDDIR=$(pwd) cd .. export EXISTING_MINETEST_DIR=$OLDDIR export NO_MINETEST_GAME=1 if [[ $PLATFORM == "Win32" ]]; then "$OLDDIR/util/buildbot/buildwin32.sh" travisbuild && exit 0 elif [[ $PLATFORM == "Win64" ]]; then "$OLDDIR/util/buildbot/buildwin64.sh" travisbuild && exit 0 fi else echo "Unknown platform \"${PLATFORM}\"." exit 1 fi