--Minetest --Copyright (C) 2015 PilzAdam -- --This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify --it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by --the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or --(at your option) any later version. -- --This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the --GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. -- --You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along --with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., --51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. local checkboxes = {} local function flags_to_table(flags) return flags:gsub("%s+", ""):split(",", true) -- Remove all spaces and split end local function get_current_np_group(setting) local value = core.settings:get_np_group(setting.name) if value == nil then return setting.values end local p = "%g" return { p:format(value.offset), p:format(value.scale), p:format(value.spread.x), p:format(value.spread.y), p:format(value.spread.z), p:format(value.seed), p:format(value.octaves), p:format(value.persistence), p:format(value.lacunarity), value.flags } end local function get_formspec(dialogdata) local setting = dialogdata.setting -- Final formspec will be created at the end of this function -- Default values below, may be changed depending on setting type local width = 10 local height = 3.5 local description_height = 3 local t = get_current_np_group(setting) local dimension = 3 if setting.type == "noise_params_2d" then dimension = 2 end -- More space for 3x3 fields description_height = description_height - 1.5 height = height - 1.5 local fields = {} local function add_field(x, name, label, value) fields[#fields + 1] = ("field[%f,%f;3.3,1;%s;%s;%s]"):format( x, height, name, label, core.formspec_escape(value or "") ) end -- First row height = height + 0.3 add_field(0.3, "te_offset", fgettext("Offset"), t[1]) add_field(3.6, "te_scale", fgettext("Scale"), t[2]) add_field(6.9, "te_seed", fgettext("Seed"), t[6]) height = height + 1.1 -- Second row add_field(0.3, "te_spreadx", fgettext("X spread"), t[3]) if dimension == 3 then add_field(3.6, "te_spready", fgettext("Y spread"), t[4]) else fields[#fields + 1] = "label[4," .. height - 0.2 .. ";" .. fgettext("2D Noise") .. "]" end add_field(6.9, "te_spreadz", fgettext("Z spread"), t[5]) height = height + 1.1 -- Third row add_field(0.3, "te_octaves", fgettext("Octaves"), t[7]) add_field(3.6, "te_persist", fgettext("Persistence"), t[8]) add_field(6.9, "te_lacun", fgettext("Lacunarity"), t[9]) height = height + 1.1 local enabled_flags = flags_to_table(t[10]) local flags = {} for _, name in ipairs(enabled_flags) do -- Index by name, to avoid iterating over all enabled_flags for every possible flag. flags[name] = true end for _, name in ipairs(setting.flags) do local checkbox_name = "cb_" .. name local is_enabled = flags[name] == true -- to get false if nil checkboxes[checkbox_name] = is_enabled end local formspec = table.concat(fields) .. "checkbox[0.5," .. height - 0.6 .. ";cb_defaults;" --[[~ "defaults" is a noise parameter flag. It describes the default processing options for noise settings in main menu -> "All Settings". ]] .. fgettext("defaults") .. ";" -- defaults .. tostring(flags["defaults"] == true) .. "]" -- to get false if nil .. "checkbox[5," .. height - 0.6 .. ";cb_eased;" --[[~ "eased" is a noise parameter flag. It is used to make the map smoother and can be enabled in noise settings in main menu -> "All Settings". ]] .. fgettext("eased") .. ";" -- eased .. tostring(flags["eased"] == true) .. "]" .. "checkbox[5," .. height - 0.15 .. ";cb_absvalue;" --[[~ "absvalue" is a noise parameter flag. It is short for "absolute value". It can be enabled in noise settings in main menu -> "All Settings". ]] .. fgettext("absvalue") .. ";" -- absvalue .. tostring(flags["absvalue"] == true) .. "]" height = height + 1 -- Box good, textarea bad. Calculate textarea size from box. local function create_textfield(size, label, text, bg_color) local textarea = { x = size.x + 0.3, y = size.y, w = size.w + 0.25, h = size.h * 1.16 + 0.12 } return ("box[%f,%f;%f,%f;%s]textarea[%f,%f;%f,%f;;%s;%s]"):format( size.x, size.y, size.w, size.h, bg_color or "#000", textarea.x, textarea.y, textarea.w, textarea.h, core.formspec_escape(label), core.formspec_escape(text) ) end -- When there's an error: Shrink description textarea and add error below if dialogdata.error_message then local error_box = { x = 0, y = description_height - 0.4, w = width - 0.25, h = 0.5 } formspec = formspec .. create_textfield(error_box, "", dialogdata.error_message, "#600") description_height = description_height - 0.75 end -- Get description field local description_box = { x = 0, y = 0.2, w = width - 0.25, h = description_height } local setting_name = setting.name if setting.readable_name then setting_name = fgettext_ne(setting.readable_name) .. " (" .. setting.name .. ")" end local comment_text if setting.comment == "" then comment_text = fgettext_ne("(No description of setting given)") else comment_text = fgettext_ne(setting.comment) end return ( "size[" .. width .. "," .. height + 0.25 .. ",true]" .. create_textfield(description_box, setting_name, comment_text) .. formspec .. "button[" .. width / 2 - 2.5 .. "," .. height - 0.4 .. ";2.5,1;btn_done;" .. fgettext("Save") .. "]" .. "button[" .. width / 2 .. "," .. height - 0.4 .. ";2.5,1;btn_cancel;" .. fgettext("Cancel") .. "]" ) end local function buttonhandler(this, fields) local setting = this.data.setting if fields["btn_done"] or fields["key_enter"] then local np_flags = {} for _, name in ipairs(setting.flags) do if checkboxes["cb_" .. name] then table.insert(np_flags, name) end end checkboxes = {} if setting.type == "noise_params_2d" then fields["te_spready"] = fields["te_spreadz"] end local new_value = { offset = fields["te_offset"], scale = fields["te_scale"], spread = { x = fields["te_spreadx"], y = fields["te_spready"], z = fields["te_spreadz"] }, seed = fields["te_seed"], octaves = fields["te_octaves"], persistence = fields["te_persist"], lacunarity = fields["te_lacun"], flags = table.concat(np_flags, ", ") } core.settings:set_np_group(setting.name, new_value) core.settings:write() this:delete() return true end if fields["btn_cancel"] then this:delete() return true end return false end function create_change_mapgen_flags_dlg(setting) assert(type(setting) == "table") local retval = dialog_create("dlg_change_mapgen_flags", get_formspec, buttonhandler, nil) retval.data.setting = setting return retval end