--Minetest --Copyright (C) 2013 sapier -- --This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify --it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by --the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or --(at your option) any later version. -- --This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the --GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. -- --You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along --with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., --51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local enabled_all = false local function modname_valid(name) return not name:find("[^a-z0-9_]") end local function init_data(data) data.list = filterlist.create( pkgmgr.preparemodlist, pkgmgr.comparemod, function(element, uid) if element.name == uid then return true end end, function(element, criteria) if criteria.hide_game and element.is_game_content then return false end if criteria.hide_modpackcontents and element.modpack ~= nil then return false end return true end, { worldpath = data.worldspec.path, gameid = data.worldspec.gameid }) if data.selected_mod > data.list:size() then data.selected_mod = 0 end data.list:set_filtercriteria({ hide_game = data.hide_gamemods, hide_modpackcontents = data.hide_modpackcontents }) -- Sorting is already done by pgkmgr.get_mods end -- Returns errors errors and a list of all enabled mods (inc. game and world mods) -- -- `with_errors` is a table from mod virtual path to `{ type = "error" | "warning" }`. -- `enabled_mods_by_name` is a table from mod virtual path to `true`. -- -- @param world_path Path to the world -- @param all_mods List of mods, with `enabled` property. -- @returns with_errors, enabled_mods_by_name local function check_mod_configuration(world_path, all_mods) -- Build up lookup tables for enabled mods and all mods by vpath local enabled_mod_paths = {} local all_mods_by_vpath = {} for _, mod in ipairs(all_mods) do if mod.type == "mod" then all_mods_by_vpath[mod.virtual_path] = mod end if mod.enabled then enabled_mod_paths[mod.virtual_path] = mod.path end end -- Use the engine's mod configuration code to resolve dependencies and return any errors local config_status = core.check_mod_configuration(world_path, enabled_mod_paths) -- Build the list of enabled mod virtual paths local enabled_mods_by_name = {} for _, mod in ipairs(config_status.satisfied_mods) do assert(mod.virtual_path ~= "") enabled_mods_by_name[mod.name] = all_mods_by_vpath[mod.virtual_path] or mod end for _, mod in ipairs(config_status.unsatisfied_mods) do assert(mod.virtual_path ~= "") enabled_mods_by_name[mod.name] = all_mods_by_vpath[mod.virtual_path] or mod end -- Build the table of errors local with_error = {} for _, mod in ipairs(config_status.unsatisfied_mods) do local error = { type = "warning" } with_error[mod.virtual_path] = error for _, depname in ipairs(mod.unsatisfied_depends) do if not enabled_mods_by_name[depname] then error.type = "error" break end end end return with_error, enabled_mods_by_name end local function get_formspec(data) if not data.list then init_data(data) end local all_mods = data.list:get_list() local with_error, enabled_mods_by_name = check_mod_configuration(data.worldspec.path, all_mods) local mod = all_mods[data.selected_mod] or {name = ""} local retval = "size[11.5,7.5,true]" .. "label[0.5,0;" .. fgettext("World:") .. "]" .. "label[1.75,0;" .. core.formspec_escape(data.worldspec.name) .. "]" if mod.is_modpack or mod.type == "game" then local info = core.formspec_escape( core.get_content_info(mod.path).description) if info == "" then if mod.is_modpack then info = fgettext("No modpack description provided.") else info = fgettext("No game description provided.") end end retval = retval .. "textarea[0.25,0.7;5.75,7.2;;" .. info .. ";]" else local hard_deps, soft_deps = pkgmgr.get_dependencies(mod.path) -- Add error messages to dep lists if mod.enabled or mod.is_game_content then for i, dep_name in ipairs(hard_deps) do local dep = enabled_mods_by_name[dep_name] if not dep then hard_deps[i] = mt_color_red .. dep_name .. " " .. fgettext("(Unsatisfied)") elseif with_error[dep.virtual_path] then hard_deps[i] = mt_color_orange .. dep_name .. " " .. fgettext("(Enabled, has error)") else hard_deps[i] = mt_color_green .. dep_name end end for i, dep_name in ipairs(soft_deps) do local dep = enabled_mods_by_name[dep_name] if dep and with_error[dep.virtual_path] then soft_deps[i] = mt_color_orange .. dep_name .. " " .. fgettext("(Enabled, has error)") elseif dep then soft_deps[i] = mt_color_green .. dep_name end end end local hard_deps_str = table.concat(hard_deps, ",") local soft_deps_str = table.concat(soft_deps, ",") retval = retval .. "label[0,0.7;" .. fgettext("Mod:") .. "]" .. "label[0.75,0.7;" .. mod.name .. "]" if hard_deps_str == "" then if soft_deps_str == "" then retval = retval .. "label[0,1.25;" .. fgettext("No (optional) dependencies") .. "]" else retval = retval .. "label[0,1.25;" .. fgettext("No hard dependencies") .. "]" .. "label[0,1.75;" .. fgettext("Optional dependencies:") .. "]" .. "textlist[0,2.25;5,4;world_config_optdepends;" .. soft_deps_str .. ";0]" end else if soft_deps_str == "" then retval = retval .. "label[0,1.25;" .. fgettext("Dependencies:") .. "]" .. "textlist[0,1.75;5,4;world_config_depends;" .. hard_deps_str .. ";0]" .. "label[0,6;" .. fgettext("No optional dependencies") .. "]" else retval = retval .. "label[0,1.25;" .. fgettext("Dependencies:") .. "]" .. "textlist[0,1.75;5,2.125;world_config_depends;" .. hard_deps_str .. ";0]" .. "label[0,3.9;" .. fgettext("Optional dependencies:") .. "]" .. "textlist[0,4.375;5,1.8;world_config_optdepends;" .. soft_deps_str .. ";0]" end end end retval = retval .. "button[3.25,7;2.5,0.5;btn_config_world_save;" .. fgettext("Save") .. "]" .. "button[5.75,7;2.5,0.5;btn_config_world_cancel;" .. fgettext("Cancel") .. "]" .. "button[9,7;2.5,0.5;btn_config_world_cdb;" .. fgettext("Find More Mods") .. "]" if mod.name ~= "" and not mod.is_game_content then if mod.is_modpack then if pkgmgr.is_modpack_entirely_enabled(data, mod.name) then retval = retval .. "button[5.5,0.125;3,0.5;btn_mp_disable;" .. fgettext("Disable modpack") .. "]" else retval = retval .. "button[5.5,0.125;3,0.5;btn_mp_enable;" .. fgettext("Enable modpack") .. "]" end else retval = retval .. "checkbox[5.5,-0.125;cb_mod_enable;" .. fgettext("enabled") .. ";" .. tostring(mod.enabled) .. "]" end end if enabled_all then retval = retval .. "button[8.95,0.125;2.5,0.5;btn_disable_all_mods;" .. fgettext("Disable all") .. "]" else retval = retval .. "button[8.95,0.125;2.5,0.5;btn_enable_all_mods;" .. fgettext("Enable all") .. "]" end local use_technical_names = core.settings:get_bool("show_technical_names") return retval .. "tablecolumns[color;tree;image,align=inline,width=1.5,0=" .. core.formspec_escape(defaulttexturedir .. "blank.png") .. ",1=" .. core.formspec_escape(defaulttexturedir .. "checkbox_16.png") .. ",2=" .. core.formspec_escape(defaulttexturedir .. "error_icon_orange.png") .. ",3=" .. core.formspec_escape(defaulttexturedir .. "error_icon_red.png") .. ";text]" .. "table[5.5,0.75;5.75,6;world_config_modlist;" .. pkgmgr.render_packagelist(data.list, use_technical_names, with_error) .. ";" .. data.selected_mod .."]" end local function handle_buttons(this, fields) if fields.world_config_modlist then local event = core.explode_table_event(fields.world_config_modlist) this.data.selected_mod = event.row core.settings:set("world_config_selected_mod", event.row) if event.type == "DCL" then pkgmgr.enable_mod(this) end return true end if fields.key_enter then pkgmgr.enable_mod(this) return true end if fields.cb_mod_enable ~= nil then pkgmgr.enable_mod(this, core.is_yes(fields.cb_mod_enable)) return true end if fields.btn_mp_enable ~= nil or fields.btn_mp_disable then pkgmgr.enable_mod(this, fields.btn_mp_enable ~= nil) return true end if fields.btn_config_world_save then local filename = this.data.worldspec.path .. DIR_DELIM .. "world.mt" local worldfile = Settings(filename) local mods = worldfile:to_table() local rawlist = this.data.list:get_raw_list() local was_set = {} for i = 1, #rawlist do local mod = rawlist[i] if not mod.is_modpack and not mod.is_game_content then if modname_valid(mod.name) then if mod.enabled then worldfile:set("load_mod_" .. mod.name, mod.virtual_path) was_set[mod.name] = true elseif not was_set[mod.name] then worldfile:set("load_mod_" .. mod.name, "false") end elseif mod.enabled then gamedata.errormessage = fgettext_ne("Failed to enable mo" .. "d \"$1\" as it contains disallowed characters. " .. "Only characters [a-z0-9_] are allowed.", mod.name) end mods["load_mod_" .. mod.name] = nil end end -- Remove mods that are not present anymore for key in pairs(mods) do if key:sub(1, 9) == "load_mod_" then worldfile:remove(key) end end if not worldfile:write() then core.log("error", "Failed to write world config file") end this:delete() return true end if fields.btn_config_world_cancel then this:delete() return true end if fields.btn_config_world_cdb then this.data.list = nil local dlg = create_contentdb_dlg("mod") dlg:set_parent(this) this:hide() dlg:show() return true end if fields.btn_enable_all_mods then local list = this.data.list:get_raw_list() -- When multiple copies of a mod are installed, we need to avoid enabling multiple of them -- at a time. So lets first collect all the enabled mods, and then use this to exclude -- multiple enables. local was_enabled = {} for i = 1, #list do if not list[i].is_game_content and not list[i].is_modpack and list[i].enabled then was_enabled[list[i].name] = true end end for i = 1, #list do if not list[i].is_game_content and not list[i].is_modpack and not was_enabled[list[i].name] then list[i].enabled = true was_enabled[list[i].name] = true end end enabled_all = true return true end if fields.btn_disable_all_mods then local list = this.data.list:get_raw_list() for i = 1, #list do if not list[i].is_game_content and not list[i].is_modpack then list[i].enabled = false end end enabled_all = false return true end return false end function create_configure_world_dlg(worldidx) local dlg = dialog_create("sp_config_world", get_formspec, handle_buttons) dlg.data.selected_mod = tonumber( core.settings:get("world_config_selected_mod")) or 0 dlg.data.worldspec = core.get_worlds()[worldidx] if not dlg.data.worldspec then dlg:delete() return end dlg.data.worldconfig = pkgmgr.get_worldconfig(dlg.data.worldspec.path) if not dlg.data.worldconfig or not dlg.data.worldconfig.id or dlg.data.worldconfig.id == "" then dlg:delete() return end return dlg end